How to make your smart contracts work

7 min readAug 19, 2021


The below is an example of a public blockchain:

  • On a series of enchanted records, an equivalent agreement is written.
  • By possessing one of these agreements, anybody will contribute to the upkeep of this arrangement.
  • The modifications you’re permitted to make to a document are described in rules.
  • Any legitimate alteration to one document affects the other documents in the same way.
  • Because of these properties, each party owns an equal copy of the same agreement, even if it is constantly changing.

The above example represents a single collection of enchanted documents (blockchain) that conform to a single set of laws. There are various guidelines on what modifications are true in different collections of enchanted records. The initial package of enchanted papers is known as Bitcoin, and its laws are as follows:

A list of all accounts and balances is provided in each enchanted text.
People have accounts and may transfer bitcoins to other people’s accounts.
These laws, in turn, establish a digital currency. One of the enchanted records maintained around the Bitcoin network is depicted below. The sum of bitcoins in each account is shown by the number next to it.
Ethereum is a different collection of records. Ethereum’s enchanted records obey a series of laws that are somewhat close to Bitcoin’s:

  • A list of all accounts and balances is provided in each enchanted text.
  • Account owners have the ability to send transactions to other accounts.
  • Those with a sharp eye for nuance may have found subtle variations in terminology between Ethereum’s second rule and Bitcoin’s second rule. The distinction is that on the Ethereum network, certain accounts are not owned by humans. Instead, these accounts’ acts are driven by a series of guidelines stored on the accounts.

On the Ethereum network, one of the enchanted documents is depicted below. The accounts B, E, and G in the diagram are dominated by orders rather than humans.
A smart contract is a series of instructions that exists on one of these accounts. The orders are basically all logic written in computer code. When a smart contract is “poked” by a transaction from another account, it can:

  • Carry out calculations
  • Details can be preserved.
  • Transmit funds among other banks
  • As previously mentioned, no one manages the account with the code; it is fully self-contained! The smart contract code is written by a human, but once it is submitted to the blockchain, only the reasoning in the account decides the account’s behavior.

Some citizens hate the word “smart contract.” One explanation for this is that a smart contract is not always smart. It’s just a series of guidelines that everyone can compose, and people are capable of writing some pretty blundering smart contracts.

The word “smart contract” is often deceptive since it isn’t actually a contract in the sense that it isn’t something that must be enforced or adhered to. In the ‘real world,’ a typical contract has legal implications. When a contract’s counterparty wants to keep their version of the deal, the court mechanism will be used to hold them responsible. A smart contract, on the other hand, does not require someone to uphold it; it is a series of orders that self-executes. In the ‘real environment,’ a smart touch doesn’t carry much weight. It will only deliver transfers to other blockchain accounts; all other precedent must be obtained by the creation of a legal wrapper around the blockchain agreement.
The rule is the code.
When entering into a typical deal, a variety of considerations determine whether you can trust what you’re signing. Understanding what is written in the contract is the most apparent element. In legalese (lawyer language), the contract sets down the terms and conditions of the deal on which you are agreeing. As a result, it’s important to comprehend legalese and how the legal profession interprets it. This is why you can really research the Spotify/Facebook/etc agreement’s terms and conditions carefully. You will never, as would 98 percent of citizens, accept a contract that requires you to give your firstborn as payment for utilizing their service.
Second, a broad body of current legislation constrains the terms and conditions that are set down in a contract. This suggests that just staring at the contract’s substance won’t tell you how the contract would turn out. And if you accept, there are rules that prevent you from paying for your firstborn. As a consequence, it’s crucial to comprehend the position of the legal sense.

This contextual laws sometimes serve as a buffer, enabling contracts to behave as planned rather than as published. Journalist Matt Levine recently published a report about JPMorgan getting a hefty fine after upholding the terms of a deal. JPMorgan discovered a way to game the deal, which controlled the energy sector. JPMorgan did not violate the contract’s rules; in fact, they closely enforced them. But, they did break the contract’s spirit, and as a result, they were trapped in the trap of market bribery legislation.

And if you enslave your firstborn in order to satisfy your contractual commitments, there’s always a possibility that it won’t be enough. Even if you sell all of your possessions and sell your families into debt slavery, it will not be enough to cover the commitments under the deal, and the other party may not be compensated. Counterparty danger is the risk of entering into a deal with someone who is unwilling to perform their end of the deal, and it must be addressed before negotiating a contract.

Last but not least, even though you comprehend the contract and its legal meaning, you must have faith in the rule of law. De jure may also become de facto. That’s why you may be reluctant to enter into a deal with Corruptland’s president’s son. The contract isn’t worth the document on which it’s printed.
So, how can these components match up against smart contracts? A smart contract is made up of two components that you must recognize and trust:

The code, as well as how it is perceived
The blockchain’s immutability Smart contract frameworks
As previously mentioned, smart contracts are a series of instructions written in computer code that are placed on a blockchain. This code, like the words that define the terms and conditions of a standard contract, can be written in an unlimited amount of forms. However, just as there are an endless number of ways to organize words in a phrase, there are an infinite number of ways to arrange code in a smart contract that does not make sense. That isn’t important, and no one is involved. What’s fascinating, however, are the various approaches to structure the argument in a manner that makes sense. So, what makes sense here?

Let us take a step back and evaluate the imagined future uses of blockchains before we address the query about smart contracts.

Following the publishing of the first Bitcoin document, citizens began to understand that the same fundamental technologies might be utilized to sustain various forms of agreements. Other arrangements were envisioned that would determine control of multiple forms of properties as well as the guidelines for modifying the agreements. These were some of the other applications:

  • Digital personas (e.g. websites)
  • Gold, oil, and real estate are examples of non-digital properties.
  • The currency of a nation, as well as other new forms of currency
  • Shares, leases, and bonds are types of financial instruments.
  • Gambling and betting that is known to be fair
  • Market rules for data storage
  • For a computational industry, there are certain laws to obey.
  • The issue was that each blockchain was developed exclusively for a particular use. Any new implementation necessitated the development of a new blockchain, which necessitates a substantial expenditure of time and money since a community of parties must begin maintaining a new agreement.

This was improved through smart contracts. The magic rules that describe a blockchain’s features may be implemented in smart contracts on a smart contract blockchain that already operates. This suggests that instead of creating a separate blockchain for each form of application, smart contracts will be used to combine several types of applications into a single blockchain. In the same network, you get several blockchains.
Smart contracts often enable you to build smaller niche agreements with which a new blockchain will never be feasible. If I decided to bet with some people I met on the internet, we might build a smart contract that locked our funds for 10 days before paying one of us at random. Creating a new blockchain for this particular use case makes little sense, however building a smart contract that uses the smart contract blockchain’s current infrastructure does.

The importance of the relationship between the various implementations is not entirely evident when you understand the strength of smart contract blockchains. For eg, if you have two smart contracts, one for dollar ownership and the other for real estate ownership, you might use a third smart contract as an escrow, enabling you to buy real estate without the use of a third party.

Many use-cases are being created on blockchains, and deploying them as smart contracts on the same network produces an ecosystem of apps that supplement one another.

Want to creat your own Smart Contract Get in touch with us! and our team of experts will help you throught the whole process.




Written by ShellBoxes

Innovating for a safer, more secure decentralized future

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